Silversun Pickups – Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)

Silversun Pickups are set to release their new album, Neck of the Woods, on May 8th.  The band’s third full length, I was sure that they would continue down their path of 90s nostalgia/unabashed Smashing Pumpkins loving.  I might be wrong.  I have mixed feelings about that.  I love all their previous efforts; but more importantly, I love that they add just a slightly sharper feel to my beloved shoegaze.

Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings) starts off with an electronic and harmonious symphony that builds like a tidal wave… and then dies off.  I was worried.  I was afraid that they’d just spent 1:12 on nothing.  I’d forgot how nutty Brian Aubert can be.  The song keeps you tightly in pocket for the entirety of it’s five minutes and some odd seconds.  The drums are still the way they always are (which is not a bad thing!) and the bass drives as normal; but it’s really Joe Lester (the button pusher) that shines this song all the way til the end.  (Turn up your monitors and key in at 4:40.)  Joe owns this song, which makes me think that SSPU is hopping on the 80s vibe, but this song is too damn spacey to label it like that.  It’s part video games, part chant: but the backbone is still shoegaze.  I’m pretty sure I’ll still be looking at my feet and driving with the windows down to this album.  Can’t wait.

Check out the new track!

Check out the band’s site for pre-order details! (Yellow Wax… Hooray!)
